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Sleep apnea refers to a sleep disorder where breathing ceases temporarily during sleep. The breath stops and restarts after a few minutes. There are many complications associated with this disorder. For example, during the cessation of breath, your body might not get enough oxygen.
In addition, not seeking medical attention early can predispose to many occurrences. This includes loud snoring, tiredness, gasping, and snorting. You may experience much noise from clearing your upper respiratory tract.
Many factors can expose you to the risk of this disorder. Some of them are modifiable, and some of them are not. Here are some predisposing factors to sleep apnea you should be familiar with:
There are two common types. They include;
This disorder has various clinical manifestations. Here are some symptoms you should take note of;
It would be best if you saw your healthcare provider/physician to diagnose your sleep apnea. You may need to do a sleep study or keep a sleep diary. This will help you have a clear description of your symptoms.
Treatment begins with lifestyle modifications. Make physical exercise a daily habit. In addition, reduce alcohol intake, and increase healthy feeding habits. Also, these will go a long way in treating this disorder.
Your healthcare provider may recommend breathing devices like the CPAP machine. The device will help keep your airways open by constantly applying air to the throat. Oral devices are great alternatives that keep the airway open while sleeping.
Similarly, your doctor may recommend removing tonsils that surgically block the airways.
This disorder is a medical and societal challenge. It should be treated as such. Lifestyle modifications go a long way in its treatment.
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