
Hair transplantation is a permanent solution to regain the lost hair follicles. Baldness begins with the weakening of the hair and regression of the front hairline. However, the cause of hair loss is usually genetic in men. In women, it is common due to hormones. It may occur due to certain diseases.

People who experience hair loss should understand the reasons for it. Therefore, it would be appropriate for them to undergo a health screening. Ethically, hair transplantation is for patients over the age of 22.

There are various techniques in hair transplantation. Such as FUT, FUE, and DHI methods. Today, common methods are FUE and DHI.

Why Is It Done?

Hair is an important aesthetic in people’s physical appearance. It also has a psychological effect on people. In addition, it makes people look younger. Having hair transplantation also increases people’s self-confidence. It affects their social life.

An unhealthy diet, stress, and hormonal changes cause hair loss. Again, hair transplantation makes the person feel better about his/her appearance. It is a suitable operation for people who want their hair back.

What Are The Risks?

Hair transplantation carries some risks under the wrong circumstances. In a suitable environment, complications are very rare.

The procedure requires patience. Also, depending on your condition, you may need several transplants within 1-2 years.

Firstly, an experienced doctor must check the patient for suitability for hair transplantation. Thus, the possible risks can decrease to a minimum.

For example:

  • It is not right for women who are pregnant.
  • It is not suitable for people with heart and chronic diseases.
  • It is not suitable for cancer patients. Or patients with panic attacks, HIV positive or Hepatitis C positive, cardiac disorders, diabetes.

Numbness may occur in the sections where your doctor takes the hair follicles. There may be complaints about the natural look. Damage to living hair is one of the complications that may occur during dermoid cyst operation.

If you do not take the necessary care, an infection may occur. Bleeding may also occur. However, these risks are very low with an experienced specialist.

How Do You Prepare for Hair Transplant?

Firstly, you should have the tests done to understand your suitability. Bleeding during the operation is a common condition. To prevent this, you should not take drugs that prevent blood clotting before the procedure.

Smoking prolongs the healing process. You should stop the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes before the procedure.

You should not use hair stylers before the procedure. Likewise, avoid the sprays that harden the hair structure. The hair transplant process requires patience. In short, it is important that the patient is ready for it.

What Can You Expect?

Hair transplantation is a long process that requires patience. It takes about a year to get a successful result after the procedure. It takes time for your new hair to grow out completely.

The treatment gives a successful result only in this time frame. In addition, the FUE method is effective for transplanting in a larger area. On the other hand, the DHI method is suitable for planting in a smaller area.

The results of hair transplantation vary according to the patient. The quality of the result depends on many factors. The doctor evaluates these factors before the operation.

The doctor informs you about the possible outcomes. It is important to do the right care after the operation. If you follow the instructions correctly, you may get a good result. Furthermore, it is possible to get good results with an experienced doctor and sufficient grafts.

Before the Procedure

Before the hair transplantation, you need to have some necessary tests. These tests determine whether you have a condition that prevents the procedure. You must inform the doctor about your medications.

You should prefer comfortable clothes on the day of the procedure. In addition, you must not wear anything on your head. Keep your morale high to be ready for the procedure.

Quit smoking the week before. You should not smoke after the operation for a much better result. Smoking will prolong the healing process dramatically. Likewise, do not drink green tea.

Do not use anticoagulant drugs. You should not apply medication or lotion to your scalp 1 month in advance. After the operation, do not drive.

The Procedure

Before the FUE procedure, the doctor shaves your hair. The operation begins with local anesthesia.

Then, your doctor takes the hair follicles from the donor areas. For this, he/she uses a micro punch device and microscopic magnifying glass. The doctor collects each hair follicle one by one by making small incisions. This process may take a while.

You need to be patient and consider the results. Next, your doctor groups the collected hair follicles according to their quality. Then, he/she places the follicles in a special solution for protection.

When the follicles are ready, the surgeon begins to transplant each follicle one by one. In this part of the procedure, the surgeon works with full attention. Each graft should be placed carefully and accurately.

If the grafts are damaged, your hair may not grow. Doctors may complete the FUE procedure in a few days, with sessions of 2-4 hours. But if you prefer to finish it in a single day, it may take up to 10-12 hours.

In the DHI method, there is no need for shaving. Unlike FUE, the doctor transplants the graft immediately after removal.

In addition, he/she takes the grafts without cutting. Therefore, bleeding does not occur. The procedure takes less time because your doctor transplants the hair simultaneously.

After the Procedure

After hair transplantation, you can go home. Before discharge, you can get ozone mesotherapy. You will come back for the first wash in two days.

After washing and dressing, your doctor performs laser therapy. He/she gives detailed information about how to wash your hair. Informs you about the products that you need to use.

After the procedure, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor. They will wrap your nape with a bandage. The transplanted area will be open.

It is normal to have slight bleeding after the procedure. After the second day, the transplanted area begins to crust. These crusts can last 8-10 days. The peels are thin-looking, resembling dandruff. They shed and clean as they wash. It is necessary to protect that area while there is crusting.

At the end of 10 days, the crusting completely disappears. Then, shock shedding occurs in the transplanted hair. Shedding occurs between 2 weeks and 2 months. This is very normal.

Due to shedding, very few hairs remain in the transplanted area. This process ends at the end of 3 months. The transplanted hair begins to grow. The hair on the head can be curly and wavy. This situation returns to normal between 6 months and 1 year.

Please Keep in Mind

Especially in the first three days,  do not smoke.

Do not drink alcohol and drinks that contain caffeine.

In addition, you must not wash your hair.

Don’t lie in the transplanted area. Do not get hit on the head. Never scratch your hair.

Do not expose your head to direct sunlight. Avoid heavy physical work. Do not swim in the sea or pool for up to 15 days.

While taking a shower, make sure that the water is warm. It is important to regularly use the medications given by the doctor after the procedure.

The doctor can give you special medicines and solutions suitable for your condition. The condition of each patient and the healing process may vary.

Nutrition is just as important after the procedure. You should prefer foods that accelerate cell regeneration. Since smoking will prolong the healing process, completely avoid it after the operation. This is very important for an efficient result.


Finally, it takes between 6 and 12 months to get results. The quality of the results may vary for each patient. Genetic factors, age, diseases, drugs are decisive.

The experience of the doctor performing the procedure is also important. Factors such as the patient’s diet and lifestyle will be decisive too. Time and patience are important in hair transplantation.

In the first three months, 30% of the transplanted hair grows. 60% within 6 months, and at the end of 1 year, the hair completely grows.

At the end of the process, the patient reaches the desired appearance to a large extent. In conclusion, baldness will be history.

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