Overview of Root Canal Treatment

The purpose of root canal treatment is to save a decayed or infected tooth. It is a very common and important procedure. Firstly, your dentist needs to examine the structure of your tooth. He/she cannot apply the treatment without determining the tooth structure. The layers in the structure of the tooth are as follows, in order from outside to inside: Enamel, dentin, and pulp. The pulp is the soft tissue inside the root canal. It is full of blood vessels and nerves, which play a major role in the nutrition of the tooth. It is very important to start root canal treatment early to save your tooth. When neglected, the infection spreads to the surrounding tissue and you may lose it.

Why It is done

Failure to intervene in the damaged tooth can create the need for root canal treatment. Your dentist may apply root canal treatment for decay formed under caries, fillings, and veneers. It also treats the root fractures that occur after impact. You may need root canal treatment after minor accidents. If you have bad habits such as chewing habits or grinding your teeth, you may need root canal treatment. When you have an operation to lose your wisdom tooth, you may need root canal treatment if your dentist removed large cysts from your jawbone. In this case, your adjacent teeth will need treatment.

Risks of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment requires patience. Delaying the treatment can often cause tooth and bone loss. Your teeth that underwent root canal treatment are more prone to breakage because of the carving. Your dentist may not detect cracks in your teeth during treatment. Even if your dentist treats your tooth most correctly, he/she may still need to remove your tooth. In most cases, teeth are treatable. However, there is always a possibility to lose your tooth. If the canals are not accessible or the root is severely broken, it is difficult to save the tooth. In a root canal treatment performed correctly, the success rate is over 90-95%. During the procedure, your tooth root may crack. Tools can break into the canal. These problems make it difficult for the tooth to fill properly and effectively.

What You Can Expect

If you take the right care, you can use your treated tooth for life. But be aware of the possibility that you may damage your tooth again. As you know, no prosthesis can fully replace the natural tooth. It is essential to have regular examinations to prevent problems that may occur. After root canal treatment, you will get rid of your usual toothaches. The pain from the heat or cold disappears. If you have swelling in the gums or lymph nodes, they will disappear too. You will not experience any sudden pain. Therefore, you will begin to eat and drink more comfortably. You will not have trouble sleeping because of toothache. Your quality of life will increase.

Before Root Canal Treatment

Before having root canal treatment, you should talk to your dentist in detail. Your dentist needs to determine whether the pulp inside your tooth is dead. He/she decides if your teeth can get better again. You should decide together with your dentist on the x-ray taken for your tooth. If you do not have a known disease, you may not need to use antibiotics before the procedure. However, you may need to use antibiotics, if you use heart and sugar immunosuppressive drugs. It would be helpful to discuss this issue with your doctor. After treatment, you will need to change some of your habits until you recover. Certain eating and drinking habits, such as sugar consumption. If you need session therapy, remember that you must attend all sessions.

During the Procedure

Dentists and endodontists perform root canal treatment. The procedure time is usually between 30 and 90 minutes. If there is an infection, the dentist applies medication to that area to clear it. For clearing, your dentist waits a week before closing the tooth. The root canal treatment may vary according to your tooth structure. Firstly, your dentist takes X-rays to see the shape of your root canals. Thus, he/she understands whether there is an infection in the surrounding bones.

Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to perform the procedure. Some patients may not need anesthesia because their dental nerve is dead. The dentist places a layer of rubber to keep the area saliva-free throughout the procedure. Then, your dentist drills a hole to access the root canal. Thus, he/she can remove the decayed nerve tissue, harmful bacteria, and pulp from the tooth. With the help of root canal rasps, your dentist performs cleaning with embroidery. The dentist places these rasps, which are increasing in size, in the drilled hole by order. By scraping and brushing, he/she cleans the walls of the root canals along with the tooth. The aim is to clean the micro-remains that come out of here. Your dentist uses sodium and hypochlorite. After the dentist cleaned the inner part of your tooth sufficiently, he/she closes the opened hole.

After Root Canal Treatment

The healing process differs from person to person. It is a myth that the treatment is painful. The cause of the pain that you feel is already existing inflammation and infection. The goal of treatment is to relieve you from existing pain. Tissue sensitivity may occur, especially after a cleared infection. You can get through this process with regular pain relievers.

Even if your treatment is over, you should not eat anything for a few hours after the procedure. You should be careful not to eat hot or cold until 3-4 days later. You should also avoid hard and crusty foods. Minimizing sugar consumption will speed up your recovery process. It is important to brush your teeth regularly after the end of the treatment. If you have been given dental floss or mouthwash by your dentist, you should use them regularly. If these are not taken care of, you may experience the same problems.


Pain after root canal treatment is not a problem. And it is temporary.

The sensitivity of your treated tooth will decrease at the end of the healing process. The healing process may take 2-3 weeks. You should not neglect your regular dentist checks after root canal treatment. It would be beneficial to see your dentist at least twice a year. In order not to encounter the same problem again, you should follow what your dentist says. You should not disrupt your dental care and neglect the cleaning. With treatment, your pain will be relieved and your quality of life will increase.

For More Information

In Istanbul Medical Assistance your comfort during or after all kinds of procedures is our priority. Whether you are looking for more information, an initial evaluation, or a second opinion, do not hesitate to contact us via Whatsapp at +90 530 884 47 22 and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.